40 things + 10

One of the very first entries on my original blog was titled, “40 Things to do Before 40.” I composed this list at the tender age of 30 while freezing in my tiny Neustadt apartment in Dresden. As I struggled with my big move from New York City to Germany, I made a list of fun, silly and serious things to look forward to in the newest chapter of my life. It is fun to look back and see what I’ve accomplished and now it’s time to update the list for the big 5-0, which is just around the very, very, very, very big corner. Far away. I can’t even see it.

Items in BOLD - complete
Items in italics - lifelong goals


Ride a horse

Go to an “island vacation destination” for a weekend


I had to work part of the time but that still counts, right?

Next time, I’ll try NOT to visit an “island vacation destination” that is also a destination for hundreds of Germans.


Learn how to make sushi 

Run a marathon
Crushed this. Four times. See the “Bonus Features” on my main page.

Go on a cruise
Thank you, Viking Line Cruise.


This is somewhere in the Baltic sea in between Sweden and Finland.

Become trilingual <fluent>

Grow or plant a tree with my own hands

Visit all 7 continents - 3 down, 4 more to go...

Take a dance class

Ride in a hot air balloon. <Cappadocia, please.>

Learn how to swim
Thank you, Fitness SF Fillmore Location and to the most patient teacher, ever.
I learned that it is very difficult to laugh and swim at the same time.

Go to Disney World.  <Never been...>

Learn how to make pottery

Learn not to take what others do or say personally

Learn to stop worrying about things that are not within my control

Audition for a broadway musical - or community theater

Learn how to forgive

Start a journal and write in it everyday for a year

Start & finish a 365 photography project
Thank you, Instagram. I learned a lot from this photography project. It forced me to look around -
everywhere. I discovered a love for architecture and street art.

Learn how to drive a standard transmission car  
I learned when I was 18 but I forgot. It makes it very difficult to rent (or steal) a car in Europe.

Ski.  Just once 

Play the lottery

Be able to do a “pull up” without help 

Go find that place in Alaska where you can see Russia.  Yell “Привет!”

Memorize and be able to recite an entire Mozart opera from memory
I might be able to do with this Figaro and Giovanni. 

Buy a piano
I purchased a hybrid piano a few months ago that I adore. A grand piano is on the list for the
upcoming decade.

Attend the Olympics

Witness a birth

Be an extra on a movie.  Or an opera. 


Good thing I added, “or an opera.”

Here is a picture from my costume fittings for my role in Pique Dame, an opera by Tchaikovsky. The picture on the left was my original costume but it ended up being switched to photo on the right.

Be a mentor

Walk the Great Wall of China

Knit a scarf

Hug a real koala

Do a Bikram Yoga 60 Day Challenge 
I completed a 30 Day Challenge before 30 so I thought this would be a fun goal.

Donate blood  

Get CPR certified 

Spend a night in a castle

Fly in the air with the greatest of ease... 

Finish War and Peace or Anna Karenina
It’s on the Kindle…waiting…

Make my own kimchi

Visit the birthplace of my ancestors  


Time to do the math.
10 complete — 30 left.
For the next “Bucket List” for 50, I have to add 20. In 2020.



Learn all the Bach Preludes and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier 

Run a race for a charity 

Paint something to hang on a wall

Improve my engraving skills on Sibelius, the music notation program

Master a complicated recipe and learn it so well that I can recreate it without a recipe

Get a dog.  Adopt a rescue. Or foster one.  And volunteer at an Animal Rescue

I traveled to 22 countries in the last decade. Let’s add another 22 NEW countries to the list

Learn a new instrument. Why not?
Last decade, I tried the Wagner tuba, cimbasso and attempted the bagpipes when I
was traveling in Scotland.

Introduce myself to all of my neighbors

Reach out to people who have made a difference in my life

Write and send more handwritten letters 

See the Northern Lights - aurora borealis. Laura wants to see the aurora…borealis…

Donate my hair at least two more times

Perform a one-woman show, yep, just me

Buy a real camera and improve my photography skills

Walk the Spanish El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

Ride a bike

Help an endangered species

Complete a 365-day gratitude journal

Plan an epic 50th birthday party


So here is to the next 10 years of life.
I look forward to reading this post in 2030
and hoping that I will be able to BOLD
a few more things on the list.



Try to remember…


Colin’s friend